In 1981 Serge Kahili King published his book Imagineering for Health. It is a detailed book about using your mind to affect and improve your health. It is also a master work on manifestation. I have found it both very useful and highly underrated. Consequently, I have put together this course to help people, both those who are healers and those who are working to heal themselves, to understand and utilize these highly effective techniques.
This is an 8-week course that goes into many perspectives and techniques used to affect someone's health. Each class is 1 and 1/2 hours with optional homework for between class. The cost is $300 for the whole class.
This class has yet to be scheduled.
Our first task is to understand what we mean by health. From there we delve into the relationship of that health with how we are using our mind. Once we understand the connection of our mind to our body, we cau use the power of imagination for benefit of our body.
We use imagination all the time, probably much more than you realize. But there are different kinds of imagination, some more appropriate than others for any given task. Here we will look at the different imaginations and how to use them more effectively.
Our minds are complex structures that have different aspects for different tasks. Each aspect can be regarded as a separate self (even though there is no real separation). Here we will look at the
the Creative Mind, the Active Mind, and the Directing Mind and see how we can use each for our greatest health.
What we think and the words we use have a profound impact on our bodies. Until we fully realize the effects of what we are thinking, we will continue to torture ourselves unnecessarily. Changing what we think, changes how we experience life.
In this class through Class #7 we will be including discussions of healing specific regions of the body as examples of this particular kind of healing.
Picturing scenarios in our mind is extraordinarily powerful as long as we keep feeling good about these pictures. It is the pleasure of these visions that power the changes we are making. In this class we will explore several very potent styles of visualizing.
The body is inclined to heed the instructions of an authority, for better or worse. We were taught that there are many authorities outside of us that we need to pay attention to. However, as we mature we discover that the only truly reliable authority is ourselves. You are the ultimate authority in your life. And your commands and suggestions can be exceedingly powerful.
Emotional energy is what creates the realities that we experience. It is directed by the Directing Mind and is infinite in its scope. The more we learn to use this energy effectively, the more we can craft the lives we want. In this class we will learn many ways that are very useful.
No matter how alone we might feel, we are never without the cooperation and assistance from other places. Sometimes all we have to do is create helpers to assist us in healing. Other times we simply make specific requests of powerful beings. In this class we will work with techniques that involve loving in being that which we desire with the help of others.